Stock Technicals
Trading Tools
Compare different stocks and their price, technicals, performance and fundamental data. Use this stock comparison tool to select the fields for the comparison display, including dividends, key statistics, and ratios.
Trading Ideas
Access to 50+ ideas on a monthly basis to evaluate investing opportunities
AI Driven
F&O Trades are screened based on our patented AI system.
Risk Aware System
Platform limits intraday signals and opportunities screening based on risk exposure of a securities.
Pair Strategy
Get market neutral strategies at ease to help users access for low risk & save return strategies.
The Platform.
1. Advanced Artificial Intelligence Algorithms: Our patented AI algorithms evaluate enormous volumes of market data, historical trends, and real-time information in order to discover successful trading opportunities with a high degree of precision.
2. Data-Driven Signals(No-Bias): Leverage our data-driven insights to understand the rationale behind each trading signal. Our AI not only provides actionable alerts but also offers detailed explanations, helping you build confidence in your trading decisions.
3. Assessment of Risk and Continuous Monitoring: The algorithmic trading platform utilized by Invostock performs continuous monitoring of market circumstances and evaluation of the risk that is associated with each trade. The capabilities of our algorithms include the ability to adjust to shifting market dynamics, the provision of real-time risk assessment, and the modification of trading strategies in response to changing market conditions.
4. Risk Aware System: The system defines when to exit if market goes againts the calculated risk!
Trusted by 10+ Users
We are SEBI and FIU Registered Entity.
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